June 7, 2021

100% of viscous clutches made by Cojali go through what is called “end of line test”. It is a strict test performed with the same fan along which the viscous clutch will be installed in the vehicle. Its aim is to ensure the quality of these components and guarantee that they meet the same operating conditions.

This test is performed in cabins specifically designed for viscous clutch testing. The verifications carried out are automatic and performed with a software designed by the Automation Department of the Electronics Division of Cojali. 

Electromagnetic clutch testing is divided into the following stages: 

1. In phase 1, we check that the clutch is capable of engaging and disengaging correctly and ensure that the power levels transmitted are the correct ones for the reference that undergoes the testing. 
2. In phase 2 or phase of regulation to intermediate levels, we make sure that the electromagnetic clutch is capable of adjusting to intermediate engagement speeds with the aim of transmitting to the fan the exact power required by the control unit. 
3. In phase 3 or disengagement rate, it is necessary to ensure that, when electromagnetic clutches are disengaged (the state in which they spend most of their useful life), they do not exceed a certain number of turns, saving fuel and noise pollution. 
4. Finally, phase 4 is the final engagement phase. During this phase, it is verified again that the maximum engagement that we checked in phase 1 meets the values established after performing the previous phases. 

Once the clutch has completed the “end of line test”, a check report is printed and included along with the product. With this report, we ensure our clients that all of our clutches have successfully completed the inspection.


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